Nahanni & Mahikan
June 18, 2014 – Both pups had a very busy day today. In the morning a Grade 1 class from a local First Nations school came to visit. There was 6 students, teacher & 4 parents. Nahanni & Mahikan felt a bit overwhelmed with 12 people starring at them so they stayed away from them. I told the students how Tundra is playing with them, teaching them that she is dominated & feeding them.
When they had to go, Tundra & Meshach came bounding into the front run with the pups in tow. Nahanni & Mahikan came to the fence & licked some of the students & they fed them the pieces of weiner. The students were very happy they got to pet the pups thru the fence as well as Tundra & Meshach.
Just near dinner time a lady was running by & noticed them. I chatted with her when a mutual friend of ours drove by. She stopped to see what this lady was looking at. They both came to the front run & all 4 wolfdogs came bounding into the run. Nahanni & Mahikan licked them & was fed more pieces of weiner. The pups felt much more comfortable with a smaller groups & were engaging with them for a good 20 minutes.
Finally after dinner, I took Tundra & Meshach for their walk. I knew Nahanni wanted to go as he runs around in the runs when we leave on our other walks. I was going to leave Mahikan behind as she does not seem as interested in the walks. Sally got Nahanni in his harness & he was eager to join us. Mahikan also showed interested so we hitched her up as well. Sally walked the 2 pups behind me & the older wolfdogs. They followed me & walked across the road & up our trail. They were keeping up well & Nahanni was pulling Sally to keep up with Tundra & Meshach. Mahikan even was disciplined to walk with us. They wanted to explore a bit but were right behind us the whole way. When we turned around, they both wanted to keep going. Tomorrow nite, we will go a little bit further.
A full & busy day!