
SWELL Wolf Education Centre Coastal Wolves Project

Tundra Speaks Society through its program, SWELL Wolf Education Centre is initiating this project.   We have set up some trail cameras on a remote beach on Vancouver Island to capture coastal wolf activity. When we capture these videos & photos , we will post them...

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Tundra Speaks Society Fundraiser

TSS has initiated an online fundraiser. An older couple who attended one of our wolf presentations, fell in love with the wolves particularly Tundra. They have so kindly donated a 18x18 inch professionally framed & matted Robert Bateman painting titled, "Clear...

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Death of Takaya

We have all been upset by the death Of Takaya (except the hunter & his personal buddies). This death seems so senseless & tragic that a human needs to kill an animal that is so sentient. As a wolf educator, I am getting increasingly disturbed by some of the...

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Tundra (Wolf) visits BC Legislature

On Monday, December 9, 2019, Tundra & I & Randy Fred visited the BC Legislature for a meeting with Honourable Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation and Honourable Rob Fleming, Minister of Education. This meeting had been in the...

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Why Wolves do not Like Human Contact

Both Stqe:ye and Denali are almost 6 months old (Nov. 5) and they avoid me when I enter the enclosure. They run to a safe spot and play hide and seek with me. These two pups of Mahikan’s were born in the enclosure and have seen me daily for the past 5 months. They see...

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