Little Girl & the Two Pups
June 6, 2014 – Today the school children had the day off due to a 1 day teacher strike. I invited the small school to come over & see Nahanni & Mahikan, along with Tundra & Meshach. Well, one family showed up but they were the right one. The family consisted of the Mom & her 2 daughters, age 12 & 6.
I briefed them on the pups to let them know they would be shy & stay well back of them. When Tundra comes into the run, I explained that the 2 pups would follow her around. I was able to pick Mahikan up & bring her over to them & she licked their hands thru the fencing. When Tundra showed up at the far fence, Nahanni & Mahikan ran to her & licked Tundra. I then let Tundra into the run & she was chased by the 2 pups. After about 3-4 minutes & growling the 3 “wolves” sorted things out & Tundra went & laid down & the pups went to play in the grass.
Then a most amazing event took place. The 6 year old with her smartphone camera walked around to the side fence & knelt down by the fence. She quietly called the pups & without hesitation they ran over to her by the fence. Both Nahanni & Mahikan had their ears back & a big smile on their faces. They licked the girls hand & she was able to pet them thru the fence. She also took pictures of the pups. I was blown away that they would so unreservedly approach this little girl to socialize. They showed no fear or hesitation. This little girl has special powers but I think Nahanni & Mahikan realized that she was small like them & they shared this together. It was a very good visit & a major step forward in these 2 little pups socialization.
Tonite we took them for a walk around the yard. After getting them set up in their harnesses, we carried them outside the fence. The 2 pups immediately improved with their walking on leash. In fact, Sally had Mahikan & she was sprinting around the yard with Sally in tow. She found she could explore & she was off to the races. We let them dictate where they want to go. I had Nahanni & he was not as adventuresome as his mate. He kept wondering why I was following him. Don’t you know pal that wolves do not like to be followed. Nahanni liked it when he met up with Mahikan but he enjoyed going to the fence where Tundra was & licking her.
A most enjoyable day & tomorrow we visit the vet. Probably not what they will feel is their best day.