Take Action Plan against new BC Wolf Plan

Jul 31, 2014

July 31, 2014 – On April 17, 2014 The BC Government released its long awaited Grey Wolf Management Plan for BC. This new plan replaced the 1979 Plan which is much more wolf friendly than the new plan. For the comparison of the two plans, go to my blog, Tyee Wolf Article.

Brad Hill (biologist & professional wildlife photographer) & I wrote this article. We have followed up the article with an action plan, which is a letter writing campaign to the Premier & Minister Steve Thomson, Ministry of FLNR. I urge you to send a letter to these individuals to seek significant changes to the new Wolf Plan.

Details of our Take Action Plan can be found at: http://www.naturalart.ca/voice/takeaction.html

Write your own letter or email based on our 6 important points. Write it for Tundra & all her wild cousins.