
Nahanni Oct. 13, 2014 – Nahanni is 6 months old this weekend. What significant changes in the 5 months he has been with us. When he arrived as a 5 week old pup he was 10lbs. which was very large for such a young pup. He is now over 80lbs. & he has 6 months of...


Mahikan Oct. 11, 2014 – She will be six months old on Thanksgiving & what a treat she has been. This 7.6lb pup joined our pack on May 22nd & she quickly established herself as the “little wolverine”. She was kind & gentle in her interactions with us but...

Nahanni & Mahikan

Nahanni & Mahikan Oct. 10, 2014 – Both these pups will be 6 months old this weekend & there has been a world of change from when I got them at 5 weeks old. That may sound like a stupid statement but obviously true. When I picked them up from the airport,...